Saturday, May 14, 2011

Artificial Intelligence

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Marshall, Patrick. "Artificial Intelligence." CQ Researcher 22 Apr. 2011: 361-84. Web. 14 May 2011. Can “smart” machines replace humans? From battlefields and factory floors to hospital operating rooms and retail call centers, artificial intelligence is rapidly changing how the world thinks and works. IBM's powerful new computer, Watson, recently beat two “Jeopardy!” game-show champions. Drone aircraft are deployed on dangerous reconnaissance and assault missions, reducing soldiers' exposure to harm. Computers diagnose disease, and robotic devices perform delicate surgical procedures. And “smart” machines are bringing new efficiencies to a variety of professions and industries, such as law offices, banks and manufacturing plants. But analysts warn that artificial intelligence may have devastating downsides. Some argue that if battles are fought with machines instead of humans, wars might be easier to start. And economists worry that as robots and other forms of artificial intelligence replace more and more workers, catastrophic levels of unemployment will be the result. From the CQ Researcher. Reprinted with permission from CQ Press.

Whitney, Stewart B. "Artificial Intelligence." Encyclopedia of Anthropology. Ed. H. James Birx. Vol. 1. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Reference, 2006. 281-282. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 14 May 2011.

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--Artificial life: an overview (a NetLibrary ebook)

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artificial intelligence (in Subject Terms) AND (unemploy* or employ* or job*) (full text results)

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Myers, Courtney Boyd ed. (2009). The AI Report. Forbes June 2009
Christian, Brian , “Mind vs. Machine,The Atlantic, March 2011.