Monday, February 2, 2009

National African American History Month


Library Catalog - search by su:African Americans and su:history

Ebrary - search by subject "African American*" to find over 175 ebook titles


Select Full Text Journals from EBSCOhost and ProQuest: - browse Issues & Controversies in American History for articles outlining aspects of African American history, accompanied by primary sources and other reference materials. Titles include:
Encyclopedia Britannica Online: Guide to Black History
Gale Virtual Reference:
Encyclopedia of African-American Culture and History. Colin A. Palmer, ed. 2nd ed. Detroit: Macmillan, 2006.

United States. White House. National African American History Month, 2009 - by the President of the United States - A Proclamation. February 2nd, 2009. "This year's theme, "The Quest for Black Citizenship in the Americas," is a chance to examine the evolution of our country and how African Americans helped draw us ever closer to becoming a more perfect union."
United States. Library of Congress. African American Odyssey. Exhibitions from the American Memory National Digital Library. Association for the Study of African American Life and History Civil Rights Digital Library "About the NAACP." "On February 12, 2009, the NAACP will mark its 100th anniversary."

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Client/Person Centered Therapy

Peer Reviewed Articles - neither EBSCOhost nor ProQuest uses 'person centered therapy' as a subject heading - that is, as an identifying phrase applied by indexers when adding related articles to the databases. EBSCOhost uses the subject heading 'client-centered psychotherapy,' although an alternate more complex search is included to capture possibly relevant articles that do not include that subject heading. ProQuest does not use either.


Subject: Client-Centered Psychotherapy - over 35 articles from peer-reviewed journals

(person centered or person centred) AND SUBJECT (therap* or counsel* or psych* or mental health) - over 95 articles from peer-reviewed journals with the phrase 'person centered' (or its British equivalent) provided the subject headings of the article include one of therapeutic, counseling, psychology, mental health, etc.

("person cent*" or "client cent*") AND SUBJECT (therap* or counsel* or psych* or mental) - over 80 full text articles from peer reviewed journals


"Person-Centered Therapy." The Gale Encyclopedia of Mental Health. Ed. Laurie J. Fundukian and Jeffrey Wilson. 2nd ed. Vol. 2. Detroit: Gale, 2008. 871-875. Health & Medicine. Web. 14 Mar. 2011.

Citing CBC Library Databases Using APA Style