Sunday, February 1, 2009

Client/Person Centered Therapy

Peer Reviewed Articles - neither EBSCOhost nor ProQuest uses 'person centered therapy' as a subject heading - that is, as an identifying phrase applied by indexers when adding related articles to the databases. EBSCOhost uses the subject heading 'client-centered psychotherapy,' although an alternate more complex search is included to capture possibly relevant articles that do not include that subject heading. ProQuest does not use either.


Subject: Client-Centered Psychotherapy - over 35 articles from peer-reviewed journals

(person centered or person centred) AND SUBJECT (therap* or counsel* or psych* or mental health) - over 95 articles from peer-reviewed journals with the phrase 'person centered' (or its British equivalent) provided the subject headings of the article include one of therapeutic, counseling, psychology, mental health, etc.

("person cent*" or "client cent*") AND SUBJECT (therap* or counsel* or psych* or mental) - over 80 full text articles from peer reviewed journals


"Person-Centered Therapy." The Gale Encyclopedia of Mental Health. Ed. Laurie J. Fundukian and Jeffrey Wilson. 2nd ed. Vol. 2. Detroit: Gale, 2008. 871-875. Health & Medicine. Web. 14 Mar. 2011.

Citing CBC Library Databases Using APA Style