Saturday, May 16, 2009

Reproductive Ethics

Clemmitt, Marcia. "Reproductive Ethics." CQ Researcher May 15, 2009. Nadya Suleman, an unemployed, 33-year-old, single mother from Southern California, felt her six children weren't enough. Last January, after a fertility doctor implanted six embryos she had frozen earlier, Suleman gave birth to octuplets — and was quickly dubbed “Octomom.” Many fertility experts were shocked that a doctor would depart so far from medical guidelines — which recommend implantation of only one, or at most two, embryos for a woman of Suleman's relatively young age. Although multiple births often do result from in vitro fertilization (IVF) and other assisted-reproduction technologies, the number of multiples has dropped over the past few years, they point out. Other analysts note, however, that government statistics show a large percentage of clinics frequently ignore the guidelines on embryo implantation. In response, lawmakers in several states have introduced proposals to increase regulation of fertility clinics. From the CQ Researcher. Reprinted with permission from CQ Press. Clemmitt, Marcia. "Reproductive Ethics: Should fertility medicine be regulated more tightly?" CQ Researcher. 15 May 2009.

Additional Articles


SU REPRODUCTIVE technology and SU MORAL & ethical aspects


SU(fertility or reproduct*) AND (ethic* or moral or morality) - over 1800 full text articles


Ebrary: search (moral or ethical or ethic or ethics) and (reproductive or reproduction or fertility)- over 490 ebooks

Library Catalog: search for books on reproduct ethic (The new catalog has automatic truncation, so the search is equal to "reproduct* AND ethic*".)

ABC CLIO ebook: Reproductive Issues in America: A Reference Handbook

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Criminal Justice & Corrections

CQ Researcher

Jost, Kenneth. "Examining Forensics: Are new research and oversight needed?." CQ Researcher 17 July 2009. "Crime-scene investigations play an important role in gathering evidence for criminal trials — from fingerprints and blood samples to DNA and digital data. But expert witnesses known collectively as forensic scientists or criminalists must analyze the evidence to help the judge and jury determine a defendant's guilt or innocence. A congressionally mandated study, however, says major changes are needed to strengthen forensic science."

Weinberg, Steve. "Wrongful Convictions." CQ Researcher April 17, 2009.
Is overhaul of the criminal justice system needed? As recently as 10 years ago, the proposition that innocent men and women regularly end up in prison failed to find traction. Today, thanks to the power of DNA evidence, media coverage and the establishment of innocence projects, there is general acceptance that wrongful convictions indeed occur.From the CQ Researcher. Reprinted with permission from CQ Press.

Mantel, Barbara. "Public Defenders:Do indigent defendants get adequate legal representation?" CQ Researcher. 18 Apr. 2008.

Jost, Kenneth. "Prosecutors and the Law: Is prosecutorial misconduct a serious problem?" CQ Researcher. 9 Nov. 2007.

Katel, Peter. "Prison Reform: Are too many nonviolent criminals being incarcerated?" CQ Researcher. 6 Apr. 2007. "America has more people in prisons and jails — 2.2 million — than any other country in the world. And over the next five years, the number of prison inmates is projected to grow three times faster than the national population."

Additional Articles


wrongful conviction* or false imprisonment or judicial error or exculpatory dna evidence or innocence project

SU ( sentences or prison* or imprisonment ) and SU Drug

united states and (mandatory sentenc* or three strikes)


Wrongful Convictions: (sentenc* or prison* or correctional or criminal or justice) AND (dna or Genetic testing) AND (false arrest or innocence or wrongful) - over 750 full text articles

Nonviolent Drug Crimes: (sentenc* or judges or judicial or guidelines or prison* or correctional) AND (drug* or cocaine) AND (nonviolen* or low level) - over 2350 full text articles

Racial Disparities: SU(sentenc* or prison* or correctional) AND SU(race or racial or racism or African Americans or ethnic*) - over 3325 full text articles


Ebrary: search (sentences OR prisons OR imprisonment OR justice OR criminal) AND "united states" in Subject - over 100 ebooks

Library Catalog: search for books on the subject of prison or imprisonment and United States (su:prison or su:imprisonment) and (su:United States)

Gottschalk, Marie. The prison and the gallows: the politics of mass incarceration in America. Cambridge University Press, 2006. ACLS Humanities E-book.

McLennan, Rebecca M. The crisis of imprisonment: protest, politics, and the making of the American penal state, 1776-1941. Cambridge University Press, 2008.


Encyclopedia of Prisons and Correctional Facilities. Ed. Mary Bosworth. Gale Virtual Reference Thousand Oaks: Sage Reference, 2005.

Or search the entire Law & Justice collection in Gale Virtual Reference.

Espejo, Roman. America's prisons : opposing viewpoints. San Diego, Calif. : Greenhaven Press, c2002.
Location: Reserve Reference
Call number: HV9471 .A488 2002

Ferro, Jeffrey. Prisons. New York : Facts On File, c2006.
Location: Reference
Call number: HV9471 .F465 2006


National Research Council, “Strengthening Forensic Science in the United States: A Path Forward,” National Research Council, National Academies Press, February 2009.

Washington State Sentencing Guidelines Commission - also publishes reports on racial sentencing disparities and persistent offender (three strikes) sentencing.

"Decades of Disparity: Drug Arrests and Race in the United States." Human Rights Watch. March 2, 2009.

Confronting Confinement. Commission on Safety and Abuse in America’s Prisons. June 2006.
"What happens inside jails and prisons does not stay inside jails and prisons. It comes home with prisoners after they are released and with corrections officers at the end of each day’s shift. We must create safe and productive conditions of confinement not only because it is the right thing to do, but because it influences the safety, health, and prosperity of us all."

Updated 4/30/11 SB

Friday, May 1, 2009

Mental Health in America

Mental Health America. May is Mental Health Month - "created more than 50 years ago to raise awareness about mental health conditions and the importance of mental wellness for all."



SU(college) AND SU(mental health or mental disorders or suicid* or depression) - 850+ full text articles

Poll shows many college students are stressed, depressed.
Deseret News [Salt Lake City]: 22 May 2009: p. A7. View the AP-MTVu Poll.

Mental Health Insurance Parity - 1200+ full text articles

SU(veteran*) AND SU(mental health or mental disorders or suicid* or post-traumatic) - 800+ full text articles


SU ( mental health or mental* ill* ) and GE united states and ( uninsured or poor or underinsur* or homeless* or low income ) - over 170 full text articles

( mental health or mental* ill* ) and united states and (prison* or jail* or correctional institutions) - 390+ full text articles

SU ( mental health or mental* ill* ) and GE united states and SU ( college* or universit* ) - over 110 full text articles

Or try subject searches on particular mental conditions, such as stress, anxiety, and depression.

CQ Researcher

Clemmitt, Marcia. Treating Depression: Is effective treatment available? CQ Researcher June 26, 2009.

Tanner, Jane. Mental Illness Medication Debate: Should more patients have access to new drugs? CQ Researcher February 6, 2004.


CBC Library Catalog - books on the subject of Mental Illness in the United States


Ebrary: Hinshaw, Stephen P., Dante Ciccetti and Sheree L. Toth. Mark of Shame : Stigma of Mental Illness and an Agenda for Change. Oxford University Press, 2006.

Search Ebrary directly for more titles on mental health, psychology, and specific disorders.


Our print reference collection includes important titles such as the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders; please contact reference for more recommendations.

Salem health : Psychology and Mental Health / editor, Nancy A. Piotrowski. Salem, 2010. Available in Print at the Medical Library or searchable online separately or with Magill's Medical Guide.

Gale Virtual Reference has numerous articles from scholarly reference works on Mental Health, Psychology, and various mental disorders.

Colman, Andrew M. Dictionary of Psychology. Oxford University Press, 2006.


MedLinePlus - Mental Health and Behavior Topics - guides to authoritative information found in sites from "government agencies and health-related organizations."

National Institute of Mental Health - "largest scientific organization in the world dedicated to research focused on the understanding, treatment, and prevention of mental disorders and the promotion of mental health." Most of their publications are linked from MedlinePlus, but they also offer The Numbers Count: Mental Disorders in America - and other pages about statistics.


Trouble in Mind. 13 videotapes "...on various mental disorders, such as schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s, depression, delirium, and psychosomatic illness." Available at Circulation.

Girl, Interrupted. Columbia Pictures, 1999.

TED (Technology, Education, Design conference) videos on Psychology topics. Online.