Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Teen Pregnancy & Sex Education

Clemmitt, Marcia. "Teen Pregnancy: Does comprehensive sex-education reduce pregnancies?" CQ Researcher. March 26, 2010. After dropping steeply for a decade-and-a-half, America's teen birth rate began edging upwards in the past few years. Analysts aren't sure whether the trend will last and say there are numerous causes. A significant factor, however, is a drop-off in contraceptive use that began in the early 2000s, as better HIV/AIDS treatments diminished fear of the disease. In 2009, the Obama administration ended the Bush administration policy of federally funding only sex-education programs with abstinence until marriage as the primary focus. Instead, most funding will now go to programs that have been demonstrated in large, randomized trials to be effective for pregnancy prevention. Critics say the plan will unfairly eliminate funding for abstinence programs, which they contend have not been adequately evaluated by researchers and are the only ones that consistently teach the value of committed relationships.
From the CQ Researcher. Reprinted with permission from CQ Press.

Friedman, Jane. "Teen sex: Do abstinence-only programs discourage teen sex?" CQ Researcher. 16 Sept. 2005.

More Articles:

EBSCOhost - subject term searches:

teenage pregnancy AND prevention AND sex instruction

teenage pregnancy AND prevention AND sexual abstinence

(sex instruction or sex education) and united states

ProQuest - subject term searches:

teenage pregnancy AND sex education AND prevention programs

(sex education) AND (united states)


CBC Library Catalog: kw, phr=sex education or kw, phr=sex instruction

ebrary: "sex education" OR "sex instruction"


"Sex Education/Prevention." p.84-91. Sex and Sexuality. Ed. Richard McAnulty, M. Michele Burnette. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger, 2006. ABC-CLIO eBook Collection.

Sex, Youth, and Sex Education: A Reference Handbook. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2002. ABC-CLIO eBook Collection.


Task Force on Community Preventive Services. Prevention of HIV/AIDS, other STIs and Pregnancy: Group-based Abstinence Education Interventions for Adolescents. November 5, 2009.

Task Force on Community Preventive Services. Guide to Community Preventive Services. Prevention of HIV/AIDS, other STIs and Pregnancy: Group-based comprehensive risk reduction interventions for adolescents. November 5, 2009.
