Monday, January 1, 2007

Searches 3 - Subjects (Factory Farms)

In Searches 2 I constructed searches with OR between my alternate keywords and different concepts grouped onto different lines, narrowed with AND between the lines.

My search in EBSCOhost: (factory farm* or concentrated animal feeding operation*) AND (waste or environment* or pollut*)
only produces a little over 125 results (less than 100 of them are full text). Some of them are very good, and that may be all I need, but they don't represent all of the articles available in EBSCOhost for my topic.

Adding subject terms to my search - If I take a look at the subjects offered to 'narrow' my results I can see ways to broaden my search instead.

Just adding 'or livestock' to my search, as "(factory farm* or concentrated animal feeding operation* or livestock) AND (waste or environment* or pollut*)" produces over 1200 full text or locally available articles.

Subject Searching - Another alternative is to take the best subject keywords and phrases and put them together into a subject search. For my first concept the best matches are: Animal feeding, Livestock, Livestock factories, Animal industry. 'Livestock' as a single keyword captures both of those two subject headings, but 'animal' is too broad so I will have to use both of those phrases. My second concept can stay the way it is - all of those keywords have matching subjects. So I am going to return to my search and retype the first line, and adjust the target of both lines from 'Select a field (optional)' which broadly searches the title, author, subjects and abstracts. Here is how that looks:

And here is the search with parentheses and the 'subject' tags: SU ( animal feeding or livestock or animal industry ) and SU ( environment* or pollution or waste ). If you click on the link to run it you will see there are over 350 full text articles.