Monday, March 12, 2007

Technology in Education

Bleed, Ron. "A Disruptive Innovation Arrives." EDUCAUSE Review 42.1 (2007): 72-73. Education Module. ProQuest. Columbia Basin Coll. Lib., Pasco, WA. 10 Mar. 2007 .

Indiana University’s 3+1 program that combines distance learning and community college credits is discussed. The hope is that this will better serve students saving them money and commuting time.

Colvin, Sharon. "How to Keep the Audience Awake and Learning." Information Outlook 1 Feb. 2007: 25-27. Education Module. ProQuest. Columbia Basin Coll. Lib., Pasco, WA. 10 Mar. 2007 .

The issues of active engagement versus using too much technology are discussed. Rickman and Grudzinski (2000) have found that college students expect technology to be used in the classroom but prefer that it not be used 100 percent of the time.

"E-Learning: Successes and Failures." Chronicle of Higher Education 5 Jan. 2007: B20-B23. Research Library Core. ProQuest. Columbia Basin Coll. Lib., Pasco, WA. 10 Mar. 2007 .

At The Chronicle's Technology Forum, the issue of e-learning is debated by two experts. Gene I. Maeroff, a senior fellow at the Hechinger Institute on Education and the Media at Columbia University's Teachers College and Robert Zemsky, chairman of the Learning Alliance for Higher Education.

Maloney, Edward J. "What Web 2.0 Can Teach Us About Learning." Chronicle of Higher Education 53.18 (2007): B26-B27. Academic Search Premier. 10 March 2007. .

"New Technologies Help Build Learning Communities." Distance Education Report 10.13 (2006): 1-6. Academic Search Premier. Columbia Basin Coll. Lib., Pasco, WA. 10 March 2007. .

Norman Garrett, a professor in the School of Business at Eastern Illinois University, is interviewed about his use of RSS feeds, blogs, wiki's and podcasts for distance learning.

Oblinger,Diana G and Brian L Hawkins. "The Myth about No Significant Difference." EDUCAUSE Review 41.6 (2006): 14-15. Education Module. ProQuest. Columbia Basin Coll. Lib., Pasco, WA. 10 Mar. 2007 .

Does technology make a difference? Sometimes it depends on the question being asked and who’s asking it and it’s not always that simple to answer.

Read, Brock. "How to Podcast Campus Lectures." Chronicle of Higher Education 53.21 (2007): A32-A35. Academic Search Premier. Columbia Basin Coll. Lib., Pasco, WA. 10 March 2007. .

Strauss, Howard. "The FUTURE OF THE Web, Intelligent Devices, and Education." Educause Review 42.1 (2007): 32-46. Academic Search Premier. Columbia Basin Coll. Lib., Pasco, WA. 10 March 2007. .

The article presents a reprint of a 1999 article from Educom Review called "The Future of the Web, Intelligent Devices, and Education," by Howard Strauss. It discusses trends hardware, software, networking, and education trends.

Young, Jeffrey R. "Better Technology in High Schools Raises Students' Expectations." Chronicle of Higher Education 22 Sep. 2006: A31. ProQuest. Columbia Basin Coll. Lib., Pasco, WA. 10 Mar. 2007 .